Sunset Beach Recaps: The week of October 5, 1998 on SB

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Sunset Beach Recaps: The week of October 5, 1998 on SB
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the week of October 5, 1998
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October 12, 1998

Monday, October 5, 1998

Today's recap was provided by Evonne

Carmen vows that Meg will not ruin her life with this wedding. Later, Carmen is seen putting a gun in her purse and then leaving the house.

Quint arrives and told Ben that Maria is still living. Ben accuses Annie and Tim of putting him up to this. When Quint denies that, Ben accuses him of overindulging in his Bourbon. Quint told Ben that Maria is at the Marina and insist that she is alive. Ben starts flashing back on seeing her on the swing and in the fog. Ben told Quint he gives him 5 minutes and nothing more, because he is marrying Meg no matter what he thinks he saw.

Orderly puts a price on telling Tim and Annie where Maria is.

Meg and her bridesmaids are getting ready for the wedding. Hank arrives with her newly strung pearls. Meg said she knows this will be the happiest day of her life no matter what Carmen thinks. Vanessa is shocked at the thought of Carmen telling Meg her wedding was doomed. Vanessa gives Meg an antique handkerchief, Gabi gives her a bracelet.

Michael arrives at the church and shows Casey the ring he purchased for Vanessa. Sara asked how Ben is doing. Casey said he just went to pick him up and he was missing. Sara asks if he thinks he will show they both say yes.

Antonio dreams of marrying Ricardo and Gabi but when it came to kissing the bride he is the groom. Ricardo arrives and told him about Carmen's threat about Meg marrying Ben. Ricardo says she totally thinks Ben is ready to become a bigamist.

Tyus arrives at the wedding with a date. Vanessa walks up and Tyus is visibly upset. Tyus introduces Grace to them. Michael kisses Vanessa and Tyus looks on with jealousy showing.

Ricardo says he will keep and eye out for his mother. Gabi arrives and Antonio leaves. Gabi told Ricardo that Antonio seems to be avoiding her. Ricardo blames it on Antonio being upset over their mother. Ricardo says he is happy to be there because of her.

Hank comes to talk to Meg before the wedding. Hank told her that she has made him proud of her and that things would be different from now on but she would always be his little girl. Meg and Joan have a mother and daughter talk. Meg says she convinced her to go after her dream, Ben.

Casey told Sara that he is worried and has called all over town looking for Ben. Casey told Sara that he saw Ben and he was calling Maria. He told her that Ben swears he had seen her.

Antonio went to talk to Meg. Meg thanks him for doing such a difficult job, since he was marrying his former brother-in-law, when his mother and his brother were so unhappy. Meg said if Maria was anything like her brother she knows why everyone loves her.

Bette arrives. She teases Ricardo about a secret she thinks he is keeping. Carmen sneaks into the church. Tyus finally gets to talk to Vanessa but is too overcome by the way she looks to talk. Sara told Meg that Ben is not at the church yet.

Dana is wondering who the mystery person is that know her. She climbs onboard the Mariah and starts dreaming of drowning again.

Ben and Quint arrive at the marina. Dana is no where to be found. Quint describes her to a fisherman. The fisherman told them that he saw her go on the Mariah and that she looked upset. The fisherman assures Ben that he has seen her. Ben went on the boat. Annie comes from the bottom of the boat. Annie told Ben it isn't what he thinks. Tim comes topside and says she/Dana is not there. Ben threatens Annie and Tim. He even told Tim to go to hell and he might help him get there if he shows up at his wedding.

Dana is seen running down the pier upset about the boat. She then remembers Meg's wedding.

Annie worries about how Ben will feel about her when he realizes that she knew Maria was alive. Tim says all they have to do is show Meg the picture of Annie and Maria and that will stop the wedding.

Ben arrives at the church and refuses to tell Casey or Gregory where he has been. He assures Casey that he is ok. As he is putting the flower in his lapel someone calls his name. Meg is at the door but won't let him turn around to look at her in her dress. She confesses how happy and at peace she is with herself. She told him how much she will honor and cherish him for the rest of her life. Ben told her that he loves her more than any thing in his life. She exits.

The wedding starts. The wedding party enters to "AVIE MARIA". Meg looks radiant in her sleeveless, high neck, lace bodice, long-waisted gown.

As Ben waits for Meg to reach him at the altar Dana comes running into the church. The door is closed therefore no one saw her arrive.

Tuesday, October 6, 1998

Today's recap was provided by Jami

A.J told Olivia that he has something private to tell her. He wants to know what has changed between the two of them. Olivia told him that its over between her and Gregory. AJ wants to know what's keeping them from getting closer. Olivia told him that she is afraid of being hurt again and she told him that he hasn't been completely honest with her either. AJ told her that she is the only woman in his life and hands her a jewelry box. Inside is a gorgeous Ruby and diamond necklace.

Annie and Tim argue a little bit about springing Dana/Maria on Meg and Ben at there wedding then speed off in his car to go to the mission. A police office stops them for speeding and Tim explains that they are late for a wedding. Annie noticing who the officer is (one who gave her quite a lot of parking tickets) tries to hide her face in a book but the officer over hears her name and wants to know if its Annie Douglas the one with all the Outstanding tickets. He wants to take her downtown to get it straightened out but Tim makes up the story that Annie is Meg's Maid of Honor and he lets them go after Tim promises to bring her downtown himself after the wedding.

Meanwhile Meg and Ben's wedding get started as her bridal party (consisting of Gabi, Vanessa and her sister Sara) go down the Isle to the tune of Ave Maria. Dana/Maria makes it to the Chapel just at Meg is marching down the Isle but the heel of her shoe breaks. So she peaks through the doors in the back of the church and then realizes that she is filthy so went to the restroom to clean up. Before she wants to leave the bathroom she prays to god to bless Ben and Meg and help her get her memory back when she tried to leave the handle on the door breaks off leaving her trapped inside.

Back and The wedding Meg's Mom reads the passage Love is patient. Antonio reads from Matthew and asks if there is anyone who objects to this marriage and Carmen says she does. Ricardo tries to get her to be quite but she pulls a gun and says that everyone will listen to her. Ricardo gets the gun away from her and its empty she pleads with Meg not to marry Ben that if she does than three lives will be ruined. Including her own. Ricardo takes Carmen home and Antonio continues the wedding after apologizing twice.

Francesca asks Cole if he is trying to give her a heart attack. Cole asks her why is she so jumpy because they pulled of a lot harder jobs then these. She told him its not the jobs its because she is afraid of what Hillary and Bernie will do when they found out she was the one who robbed them. She told Cole that she wants to slow down. He told her that he wants to get the jobs over as soon as possible

Tim walks in the chapel with a picture of Annie and Maria/Dana and is intent on ruining the wedding.

Wednesday, October 7, 1998

Today's recap was provided by Jami.

Virginia gets dressed in her waitressing uniform and plans on impregnating Vanessa at Meg and Ben's wedding reception. Virginia puts a drug in Vanessa Champaign and hands Michael and Vanessa there glasses and told them this is a wedding a time for toasts.

When Tim walks in the chapel the wedding stops and Ben pushes him out the doors Casey went to help him as Gregory told orchestra to keep playing some music. Meg wonders why Tim is doing this to her. Tim told Ben that he didn't marry Meg and neither will he. The bridesmaids keep Meg inside the Chapel and wonders if Madam Carmen's predictions are true. Bette wonders why anyone would want to ruin their wedding Gregory told her he doesn't know but guesses his wife has something to do with it. Just as Tim was going to show Ben the picture of Maria/Dana and Annie he turns around and Ben greets him with a punch to the face and knocks him out. Ben told Annie that if he sees either her or Tim in the church again he will ruin there lives personally. Ben returns to the wedding and the ceremony continues. Casey carries Tim and sets him down somewhere else in the mission. Bette finds the picture of Annie with Maria and wonders why its there and carries it into the church with her. Meg thanks everyone for being so patient. When Antonio begins the vows and asks Ben if he takes Meg but before Antonio can finish Ben says NO and Meg is Shocked and is wondering why. He told her that they just can't get married they have to do something more because of how much he's changed since she came into his life and pledges eternal love for her and then says now they can get married. Ben and Meg finally exchange wedding vows . Meg told him that they were meant to be together and her love for him grows stronger and stronger each day. Antonio announces them as man and wife and everyone cheers. At the reception Meg wonders where Dana is that she didn't make it to the wedding and she didn't see her yet.

Olivia told AJ he's amazing and cannot accept his necklace. He told her its just a small token of his love for her. AJ thinks he's crowding Olivia and told her he regrets ever letting her go. Olivia told him you can't change the past only learn from it. AJ hopes for another chance. Olivia wants to know if his feelings for her are true and not getting jumbled up. AJ told her that he hasn't convinced her enough and wants to know if it has something to do with his son Cole. Olivia says she doesn't know what he means by that. Olivia gave AJ back his necklace and says she cant get involved with him when she has to ruin his sons life.

Maria/Dana climbs a chair and when she cannot reach the handle on the window she puts a bucket on the chair to be able to reach. The bucket falls out from under her and knocks her unconscious. Annie went to the Bathroom to get some water to wake Tim up but sees the handle is broken off and knocks on the door to see if anyone is in there. Maria/Dana wakes up but not in time Annie has already walked away to get the water from a vase.

Francisco told Cole she didn't want this job to take as long as it is and wishes that (Phillip and her) never stole them (the jewels) in the first place. Cole and Francisco go to see an old friend Sydney to get some information on where the rubies might be. Sydney tells them she doesn't know what happened to the rubies. Before they leave she hands Cole a piece of paper with a address on. Olivia calls Franny (as she called her) and told her that she needs to see her and its a matter of her life and death.

Thursday, October 8, 1998

As the wedding reception gets underway, Antonio and an exasperated Ricardo try to reason with their overwrought mother but she continues to insist that Maria is very close. Standing alone in the mission's chapel, "Dana" has a sudden memory flash of having been there before, garbed in a flowing wedding gown. Emily told Sean she's contemplating enrolling in college back east, then is pleased when he urges her not to make a final decision until he's had a chance to weigh in with his opinion. Meanwhile, Amy concocts a new scheme to break Emily and Sean apart once and for all. A storm knocks out the power across Sunset Beach, plunging Meg and Ben's reception into darkness, but the happy couple refuses to let the temporary setback keep them from hitting the dance floor for their first waltz as husband and wife. Worried about her old friend, Annie scours the waterfront for Maria. Brad and Amy send Emily a "Dear Jane" e-mail and sign Sean's name to the message. Virginia slips some knockout pills into Vanessa's slice of wedding cake. Devastated by Sean's kiss-off, Emily packs her bags. Once the drugs take their toll on Vanessa, Virginia moves in with her turkey baster. As Meg tosses her bridal bouquet, Maria walks in and catches the flowers while Ben stares at the new arrival in utter shock.

Friday, October 9, 1998

Meg is startled to hear her brand new husband whisper Maria's name as he gapes in shock at the latest arrival. Michael tries to reach Vanessa but finds the door to the anteroom locked. Meanwhile, Virginia summons up enough nerve to wield her turkey baster and inseminates Vanessa with Tyus' sperm. After overhearing Brad and Amy snickering about their scheme, Leo decides to ingratiate himself with them by pretending to be on their side against Emily. As Antonio, Ricardo and Ben rush towards her, a frightened Maria falls into a faint. When Tyus moves in to help, Ben barks at the doctor to leave his wife alone. Leo tricks Amy into giving him a hard copy of the phony e-mail she sent Emily. Sean is baffled when Emily tearfully insists they'll be better off apart. As a weeping Meg told Ben that Maria is "Dana", Gregory realizes that Annie and Tim have conspired to keep a secret. Michael finally awakens Vanessa but is concerned by how groggy she seems. Leo gives Sean the proof of Amy's duplicity. Bette begs her daughter not to leave Sunset Beach. Tyus warns Maria's brothers that she doesn't remember them and should not be put under any pressure. Maria asks to see Ben.

Recaps for the week of October 12, 1998 (Following Week)


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